Our capabilities are built on the most comprehensive cloud platform, optimized for machine learning with high-performance compute, and no compromises on security and analytics.

Advanced Data Cleaning

Data Experts spend 80% of their time in Data Preprocessing. TekMinds sets aside this difficulty, from reducing the time spent to multiple times lesser, even when opting for customization along the way.


Tech24 cuts down any effort towards converting the files while uploading the Excel files, as all common database formats are supported by TekMinds.

 Real-Time Dashboards 

TekMinds Real-Time Dashboard updates itself with current data, which leads to quicker decision making through data monitoring. They come in handy for:

  • Inventory Management
  • Logistics Management
  • Stock Markets
  • Credit Modelling
  • Sales Monitoring and Forecasting
  • Supply Chain Analytics


Visualizations help put derived insights into comprehensible formats. Only then can it be read easily and achieve the desired impact. TekMinds has over 50 different types of graphs and other visuals for:

  • Numerical Data
  • Categorical Data
  • Time series
  • Geographical data
  • Pivot tables
  • Chord Diagrams

 Programmatic Analytics 

Programmatic Analytics unleashes the full potential of Data Science performed at scale, where the market-wide Analytics can be productized to produce results and adapt to varying environments automatically. For the first time in the ML industry, decision makers can look at the metrics that matter, rather than watching hundreds of KPIs on the Dashboard which are all equally confusing. We have designed the infrastructure in a way that these models can work together as a single unit. Some of the use cases of Programmatic Analytics are:

  • Marketing analysis
  • Predicting Sales
  • Site Clicks
  • Demand

 Model accessibility 

  • Use APIs
  • On Platform
  • Download Weights

Automatic Missing-Value Treatment(ML-based/patent pending) 
It analyses the neighboring values and underlying pattern and various statistical distributions in the data to predict the missing values, which significantly improves the quality of the predictive model
Automatic Outlier Detection
Both Supervised and Unsupervised (ML-Based)The family of algorithms automatically identifies the latent and dominant distribution viz., Binomial, Bernoulli, Poisson and many more, even the ones which are starting to emerge in the dataset and then scores each sample/row on its susceptibility to being an outlier. useful in; Detecting Fraud in the financial transactions data before it becomes mammoth.

 Multiple Accuracy Calculation Methods – inbuilt 

The Accuracy of a model should not be taken at face-value. Run the model through TekMinds in-built and popular Accuracy Calculation Methods to ensure accuracy in any environment.

 Model Interpretation 

Understanding why a Machine Learning model makes a certain prediction, is crucially important, as it can avoid mistakes that machines may make and therefore guide it to make the right decisions.

  • White boxing the black box
  • Complex confusion metric
  • Multiple graphs to understand the training process
  • Hyper-parameter used

 ML Ensembles

Ensemble Models combines several submodels into a single, most efficient predictive model. This technique of ensembling is used to:

  • Avoid biases in the training processes
  • Tackle biases and improve the end prediction

TekMinds utilises a Visual Interface to build Ensembles for the highest quality predictive ML model